Feel free to download and print out the template for these standard mailing labels. We stick them to the things we want to augment!
Use Aurasma in your classroom or school? Want a quick visual for kids and parents to know where your auras are? Feel free to download and print out the template for these standard mailing labels. We stick them to the things we want to augment! This post will be available for future reference in the "Augmented Reality" section of my website.
This is a video project that I created for my Mobile Technologies class (ETEC 565M) in the UBC Master of Educational Technology program. My personal journey with this social media has opened up and transformed my educational world. Because of Twitter, I have enjoyed several professional experiences over the past six months like connecting with colleagues at edcamps, traveling to California to attend conference and collaborate with other educators, and establishing online communities and conversations through hashtags like #bcedchat. I am passionate about the use of this tool, among many, to help educators connect and transform their own professional learning experience. Check out my video below to find out more! Thanks for reading, watching, commenting, and sharing! Happy tweeting!
Oh, man. September is over. Queue the music. Breathe. ... Right? This first month of school has brought with it many adjustments in my world. I'm at a new school, teaching a new grade, working with a new staff on technology goals, and getting used to the workload involved with two graduate courses. Needless to say, September has been a bit of a whirlwind. Mix those together with all of the things I was already doing and that is a recipe for an imbalanced disaster. A month later, I'm just starting to finally feel like I'm on top of these new demands. My absence from blogging has been due to my attempts to normalize my new realities. Something had to go on the back burner for the month. But now, I'm in control.... for the moment. People often ask me, "How do you have time for all of that extra stuff?" These questions always spin me into a state of reflection. Of course, I've asked myself the same thing. How do I have time? Is my life in a perpetual state of imbalance? Am I happy even though I work practically every waking moment of the day? Is burnout inevitable? If you've ever been in a similar situation, you'll relate that reflecting on this is extremely difficult. When you're so entrenched in the status quo, it's hard to see how far you can bend before you break. While connecting to new people and ideas is important, it's also important to take a step back to understand what you're capable of and why it matters to you. That's what fuels my passion -- the "why" I do it, not the "how". So here's why it all matters to me:
AuthorVictoria Olson Archives
April 2020
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